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86,246 Visitors in March 2006!

Is it good site design? Optimized HTML? Maybe it's clean living, but we saw 86,246 unique visitors and 321,019 page views in March 2006! Click More to see the real stats.

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This is a screen shot of the stats. (Please don't try to play with the drop-down boxes at the right, it's only a screen shot!)

Spiders have been removed from the statistics. Put it down to clean design that attracts both broadband and 56K dialup visitors, as well as a valuable "no-spin" policy towards this site and our visitors.

As always, to my Loyal Readers - thank you!

-Bill Giovino
Executive Editor

· Views: 10835
Related Categories

Technical Writing Services

Creative Technical Writing services offered. Easygoing, experienced professional looking for clients.

Looking for an experienced technical writer to capture your target audience? A writer that is comfortable meeting your schedule and can be trusted with your business objectives?

Writing is like golf; most people can do it, but few can do it proficiently and professionally.


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