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Advertise With Us!

Why advertise with us? Because an engineer's purchasing decision is influenced by the web.

You are looking at what engineers really want to see - no spin, clear and concise information. Microcontroller.com is a favorite of Google because this is an authoritative website with original content.

Microcontroller.com is actively maintained and has a very targeted audience. Visitors are looking for specific industry information and want what they are searching for.

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Microcontroller.com is the Number One independent website for embedded engineers. Over 650 pages. 53,153 inbound links according to Google as of January 2013. This website gets between 85,000 and 120,000 visitors per month.

Website Features
The website is divided into clearly-marked sections that help visitors quickly find what they need. The underlying database counts visitors and click-throughs used for improving the user experience and targeting an advertiser's most attractive audience.

Search-Engine Optimization Advantages
If you don't have a Google strategy then you don't have a marketing strategy, period.

Well-known Reliable Source
Great attention has been put into making Microcontroller.com a reliable source of information. Visitors feel comfortable with the design and trust the information. The website is carefully checked for accuracy and great care is given to users' feedback. Microcontroller.com is seen as a trusted source of information.

Worldwide audience
The whole website is written in international English, attractive for users worldwide. The whole website is geotargeted and every single page can be tailored if needed. This improves visitor's browsing experience and provides a loyal audience.

77% of my visitors are making a microcontroller or DSP purchase decision in the next three months. Attention is paid to what sourcing visitors actually need. Only quality links. Since 1996, this website serves the Embedded Systems Community honestly and accurately.

Microcontroller.com's efficient site design targets the following manufacturer (your customer) demographic:

  • Visitors employed in companies with 1000 employees or more.
  • Purchasing authority of US $5,000 or more.
  • Visitors either have purchasing authority or are empowered to recommend purchases.
  • Projects with up to 16Mbytes of code.
  • Have authority to make direct purchases over the web.
  • Codes in C, C++, or Assembly.
  • Incorporates a disciplined software methodology.
  • Windows based development host.
  • Visitors that "...do not want to see corporate or marketing information - they want rapid access to important information"
  • Engineers that "do not want or need graphics which create drag"

Source: EmbeddedMarket Forecasters

Search engines
All the traffic received by the Microcontroller.com website is natural and organic. Traffic grows every day. Search engines index this website and bring relevant traffic. A quick search for popular embedded systems phrases returns Microcontroller.com in the first page, if not the top three. These pages have high ranks for popular keywords, but the most important thing is that no artificial method is ever used to improve search engine rankings.

Getting search engine traffic by organic listings is superior to paid search listings because:

  • Organic search listings always return higher click-through rates than paid search listings
  • Engineers trust organic search listings more than paid search listings
  • Organic search listings easily outconvert paid search listings

Our Business is delivering site visitors to sponsors and partners. We do this, not only by banner ads, but by providing quality technical content - a " Full Page Technical Ad " - describing your product with special detail .

What's a full page technical ad? Well, you are looking at one right now. It's a terrific opportunity to explain your product, with text and pictures, to your customers in a clear and convincing format.

Think about the common sense of this form of advertising. No longer will your potential customers only scan the brief glimpse of a banner ad. Now, they put into their mind an entire page of content, remembered long after they leave their computer.

We offer you an opportunity to make engineers comfortable enough with your product so they want to see your website, and buy your product.

Our Rates:
Our pricing is simple.

A Full-Page Technical Ad is a bargain at only $650 per month.
A Directory Listing is only a $250 one-time fee ( included with a Full-Page Technical Ad )

Fact: Engineers are five times more likely to click on a link that keeps them on the present site , rather than an external link. That's why our advertising has such an amazingly high success rate.

Here's some specs: the average click-thru on our Full Page Technical Ads is 300 to 500 click-thrus per month , with 800 to 1200 page views for the full page ad, for a click-thru rate of 33%. We can even write your ad copy for you. Starting at only $750 per month.

  1. Ranked near #1 out of 3.6 Million results for the keyword 'microcontroller' with Google for the past six years
  2. Ranked #1 out of 350,000 results with Yahoo! for the keyword 'microcontroller' for the past five years
  3. The first successful Embedded Systems marketing and PR website

We fill in the missing piece in your advertising campaign, because this form of advertising is proven effective.

Even more Full-Page Technical Ad Advantages:

  • Ability to update ad during campaign
  • Proven response rate significantly superior to banner ads
  • Prove immediate viewer response compared to magazine ads
  • Sustained exposure promotes long-term awareness
  • Ads can be search-engine optimized (on request) and indexed for Google
  • Gets your message out to your target audience

Microcontroller.com - Established Name-Brand Recognition

  • Accurate Embedded Systems Sourcing Information since October 1996
  • Verified Online Content with Publicly Available Stats Online
  • Real-time Full-text indexed Site Search Engine
  • Hard Targeted and Exclusive Audience
  • Corporate Sponsored Online Material
  • Industry Recognized White Papers
  • Ironclad User Privacy Protection
  • Professionally managed News Desk
  • Designed for Easy Navigation
  • Honest and Open Statistics
  • Experienced management
  • Never Any Popups

Email me to learn more about a custom campaign to help you succeed!

Bill Giovino
Executive Editor

Street: 1834 Centre Street #320495
Town:   Boston
Area:   Massachusetts
Postcode:   02132

Created:8-Sep-2004, Updated:1-Feb-2013
· Views: 47840
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