CMX Systems - Embedded RTOS
- CMX Embedded RTOS - Popular Embedded RTOS suppliers for most 8 and 16-bit processors. MicroNET is possibly the most popular TCP/IP stack for small embedded internet systems. Support for more than 20 compiler vendors. Their website's legal section is more amusing than most and is worth the read.
Embedded RTOS from CMX
CMX-RTX� : Real-Time Multi-Tasking Operating System for Microprocessors, Microcomputers and DSPs | CMX-MicroNet Embedded RTOS: The Connectivity Solution for 8- and 16-bit Processors | ||||||
Create a task. Remove a task. Start a task. Suspend a task, with time-out provision. Wake a suspended task. Forcefully wake a task. Change a task's priority. Terminate a task early. Do a cooperative rescheduling. Disable task scheduling. Enable task scheduling. EVENT MANAGEMENT�� Wait on event(s), with time-out provision. Set an event. Clear an event. MESSAGE MANAGEMENT��� Get a message. Wait for a message, with time-out provision. Send a message. Send a message, wait for reply. Wake task that sent message, if waiting on reply. Wait on Mailbox(s), with time-out provision. QUEUE MANAGEMENT�� Create a circular queue. Reset queue to empty. Add to top of queue. Add to bottom of queue. Remove from top of queue. Remove from bottom of queue. TIMER MANAGEMENT�� Create a cyclic timer. Change a cyclic timer event parameters. Start a cyclic timer. Restart a cyclic timer. Restart a cyclic timer, with new initial time period and/or new cyclic time period. Stop a cyclic timer. MEMORY MANAGEMENT�� Create a fixed block pool. Request free block from pool. Release block back to pool. RESOURCE MANAGEMENT�� Get a resource. Reserve a resource, with time-out provision. Release a resource. NOTE: the resources have Automatic Priority Inheritance and highest task waiting on resource will become the owner, when resource is released. SEMAPHORE MANAGEMENT�� Get semaphore. Pend for semaphore, with time-out provision. Post to semaphore. Flush semaphore. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT�� Initialize CMX. Enter CMX. Enter interrupt. Exit interrupt. Enter power down mode UART MANAGEMENT�� Initialize UART. Put UART char, with time-out provision. Put UART string, with time-out provision. Get UART char, with time-out provision. Get UART string, with time-out provision. Update UART buffer(s) Initialize UART buffer(s) DEBUGGER�� CMXBug� interactive debugger. TASK FLOW ANALYZER�� CMXTracker� analyzer.
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CMX-MicroNet is an Embedded RTOS that has been developed by the company that is famous for providing complete, elegant solutions to the embedded community - CMX! CMX has the expertise and hands-on experience to satisfy the most stringent real time demands that the 8-/16-bit community deals with every day. When we set about the task of creating the first true TCP/IP stack for these popular processors, we knew that it had to have:
Only Industry Standard Protocols. Of what benefit are closed, proprietary protocols that constrain and confuse your development team? CMX-MicroNet offers only industry standard protocols running right on your target processor and we provide full source code with every sale! Use your Current Processor. Why should you have to upgrade your current processor, or, worst yet, add another processor just for TCP/IP? Those hardware costs can really add up! CMX-MicroNet allows you to work with your current design and still implement the networking connectivity you need. An Affordable Pricing Structure. CMX-MicroNet offers a low, one-time fee and no royalties on deployed products. And you get the entire source code for free with every purchase! Supported Processors:�
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Created:25-Nov-2002, Updated:30-Jun-2013
· Views: 35813 › ClickThrus: 10945
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