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Embedded Internet

Embedded Internet (Embedded TCP/IP) and Embedded Web Servers - TCP/IP on a microcontroller, whether 8-bit or 64-bit. No desktop apps here.

microcontroller Embedded Internet (7 items total)
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An Embedded Web Server using a 16-Bit Microcontroller

Embedded Internet
A small, cool embedded web server is described in this white paper.
Embedded Systems Resource
CMX Systems - Embedded RTOSCMX Systems - Embedded RTOS  

Embedded Internet
CMX Embedded RTOS - Popular Embedded RTOS suppliers for most 8 and 16-bit processors. MicroNET is possibly the most popular TCP/IP stack for small embedded internet systems. Support for more than 20 compiler vendors. Their website's legal section is more amusing than most and is worth the read.
Embedded Systems Resource
Embedded Internet and eService Opportunities

Embedded Internet
On the new eServices that are being provided by Embedded Internet. By eMation Inc.
Embedded Systems Resource
Embedded Systems Conference West 1999 - editorial

Embedded Internet
Part 3
Microcontroller.com Special Report
Embedded Internet and Other Bedtime Stories
Embedded Systems Resource
InterNiche TechnologiesInterNiche Technologies  

Embedded Internet
Comprehensive embedded connectivity software for Embedded Internet TCP/IP (IPv4 and IPv6 stacks), Security (IPSec, IKE, SSL), routers, web servers and browsers, SNMP and web based management.
Embedded Systems Resource
The Embedded Internet and the eZ80

Embedded Internet
A comprehensive white paper on the Embedded Internet marketplace, including it's applicability to the ZiLOG eZ80 microcontroller. Done under contract by CPU Technologies.
Embedded Systems Resource
Unicoi SystemsUnicoi Systems  

Embedded Internet
Embedded networking software. Unicoi Systems is a reliable supplier of embedded systems software, including networking stacks, SSL protocols, and Flash file systems. Voice and video for embedded systems are also available. Unicoi Systems' software boasts very compact code efficiency and very fast task switching. DSP XML support.
Formerly DSP OS Inc.
Embedded Systems Resource

Embedded Internet  

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