Houston Micro - MCU and FPGA
- Houston Micro offers a unique "hybrid" Low-Noise Microcontroller-FPGA single board computer targeting general purpose applications. Houston Micro's E-C2 MCU + FPGA Board saves time by offering both programmable software and programmable hardware on one board, eliminating the need for two different systems. The board targets medium scale projects. Lots of useful interfaces, including USB.
Advanced PCB board design of the E-C2 include a multi-plane PCB with continuous solid ground planes, and solid power planes for each power rail separated from the signal layers. This provides excellent noise isolation for critical signals as well as reducing crosstalk. A bypass power design maximizes interplane capacitance, further reducing noise including ground/Vcc bounce and Simultaneous Switching Noise. Free software development tools available.

Area: Texas
Created:6-Sep-2012, Updated:1-Oct-2012
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