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How To Choose a Microcontroller

How To Choose a Microcontroller
Kick-start your learning with Digi-Key's Continuing Education Center track How To Choose a Microcontroller. Each day 25 qualified attendees will receive a $5 Starbucks Gift Card.

How to Choose a Microcontroller Architecture (Register Now)
Monday, February 18th – Friday, February 22nd
11 am PST / 2 pm EST

This Track will help you understand the differences of the various markets, study specific microcontrollers and their tools, and discuss the semiconductor process technologies used to build microcontrollers.
The Track features lecturer William Giovino. William is Executive Editor of the popular web portal, Microcontroller.com, and an experienced semiconductor marketing leader with over 25 years' experience.

Courses include:
Feb. 18 | Day 1 - An Overview of the Microcontroller Marketplace
Feb. 19 | Day 2 - Selecting an 8-bit Microcontroller
Feb. 20 | Day 3 - Selecting a 32-bit Microcontroller
Feb. 21 | Day 4 - Selecting a 16-bit Microcontroller
Feb. 22 | Day 5 - Microcontrollers & System Considerations

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Download the questions and answers from Day One here

Click to Learn More

Created:13-Feb-2013, Updated:23-Feb-2013
· Views: 23595 › ClickThrus: 7725
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