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Maxim Integrated Products

Maxim Integrated Products
Fast Flash Microcontrollers
Small Scale Analog Products
Manufactures 75MHz single-cycle Flash 8051 microcontrollers with up 64KBytes Flash. Also supplies secure microcontrollers, an 8051 with a watch battery to keep the SRAM alive, and some very low power 16-bit microcontrollers. 8051 devices formerly of Dallas Semiconductor. Extensive development tools support. Other products include data converters, interface circuits, supervisor chips, op amps, power supplies, multiplexers, switches, battery chargers, battery management circuits, RF wireless circuits, fiber optic transceivers, sensors, and voltage references.

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Created:4-Nov-2002, Updated:2-Apr-2012
· Views: 19296 › ClickThrus: 9765
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