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Embedded Microcontroller Chip Suppliers from 8-bit to 64-bit with product descriptions & links

Embedded Business Directory Embedded Business Directory
8051 Microcontroller Suppliers (10)
Who are the 8051 microcontroller suppliers today? Here they are... the death of the 8051 microcontroller has been grossly exaggerated. Long Live the 8051!
Embedded Ethernet (13)
Embedded Ethernet has become the standard for networking large systems. Here are vendors that have Ethernet in their embedded microcontrollers.

microcontroller Microcontrollers (21 items total)
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National Semiconductor Embedded MicrocontrollersNational Semiconductor Embedded Microcontrollers  

CompactRISC and COP8 Flash Microcontrollers,
Manufacturers an excellent very low power microcontroller, the CompactRISC. Besides being feature-rich, available modules include Bluetooth, USB, and CAN.
Embedded Systems Resource
Analog DevicesAnalog Devices  

Manufacturer of 16-bit and 32-bit DSPs with fair development tool support. Wide variety of precision analog components, as well as the MicroConverter, an 8051 microcontroller with a 12-bit A/D converter.
Embedded Systems Resource
Infineon TechnologiesInfineon Technologies  

C16x, C500, TriCore. Broad Range Supplier
8-bit microcontrollers based on the 8051. 16-bit ROM & OTP microcontrollers with outstanding development tool support. CAN and USB microcontrollers. A broad-range supplier of a wide variety of semiconductor products.
Embedded Systems Resource

Embedded Internet Solutions
Offers a range of Ethernet based products based on the ARM core specifically for embedded Internet Networking. Full compliance with TCP/IP RFCs with no gateway.
Embedded Systems Resource
Intel CorporationIntel Corporation  

Pentiums, High Performance Chipsets
Popular manufacturer of Pentium PC microprocessors (of course), in addition to motherboards, PC chipsets, server RAID controller, microcontrollers, PCI bridges, ethernet products, Flash memory, and a wide range of connectivity chips.
Embedded Systems Resource


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