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Renesas Electronics

Renesas Electronics
Flash Microcontrollers; Broad-range supplier
Orginally a joint merger of Hitachi and Mitsubishi product lines, later NEC meged in. Renesas boasts an impressive array of semiconductor products. A very broad-range manufacturer of semiconductors including microcontrollers, discretes, Flash, SRAM. Multiple 8-bit thru 32-bit cores. Good development tool support. The combined microcontroller product portfolio includes the H8, SuperH, R8C, M16C, R32C, and many many more.
- Hitachi and Mitsubishi form Renesas
- Renesas and NEC Merge

Renesas Microcontroller Architectures:
4-bit: 720
8-bit: 740, 78K0, H8/300
16-bit: 78K0R, H8, H8/300H, M16C, R8C, RL78
32-bit: H8SX, H8S, M32C, M32R, R32C, RX, SuperH, V850

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Created:25-Jul-2003, Updated:21-Jan-2013
· Views: 52604 › ClickThrus: 26278
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