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STC 8051 Microcontrollers

STC 8051 Microcontrollers
STC has a wide range of single-cycle 8051 Flash microcontrollers that sell for as low as $0.25 and as fast as 35MIPS. An impressive range of peripherals are available including accurate ADCs, PWM/PCA/DAC, SPI, WDT, RC OSC, on-chip MAX810 reset monitor, EEPROM and up to 4 UARTs. 0.5-62K FlashROM, 8-48 pins 8051 devices are available. STC cost effective 8051 microcontrollers can be used in existing 80C51-based applications with binary-level code compatibility while substantially increasing performance by a factor of 6 to 12 times, up to 35MIPS. Free hardware and software development tools are available at the STC website.

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Created:25-Feb-2011, Updated:5-Jun-2011
· Views: 22818 › ClickThrus: 11081
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