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Technical Writing Services

Technical Writing Services

Creative Technical Writing services offered. Easygoing, experienced professional looking for clients.

Looking for an experienced technical writer to capture your target audience? A writer that is comfortable meeting your schedule and can be trusted with your business objectives?

Writing is like golf; most people can do it, but few can do it proficiently and professionally.

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We all know technical writing is tricky. You need articles with enough depth to inform the reader, but not so complicated it drives them away. You want consumer articles that are easy to understand and attract broad appeal. A writer needs to be analytical, detail-oriented, self-motivated, and communicate between multiple departments in your company.

A sense of humor makes your audience smile, turning dry technical prose into something easier to digest - and much more likely to be read and shared!

I have over 20 years’ experience drinking coffee and doing all this. I'm not just a writer, I've outsourced writers, and acted as a technical editor. I've even been my own client!

Subject Matter Expert in:

  • Microcontrollers
  • Microprocessors
  • Semiconductor memories (Flash, SRAM, DRAM, FRAM, etc.)
  • Internet of Things (IoI)
  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
  • Single Board Computers (SBCs)
  • GaN
  • General Semiconductors
  • Wireless (WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, etc.)
  • Solar Power
  • Robotics
  • Marketing
  • Coffee

Samples of the above topics are available upon request.

Target audiences include technical and consumer. Microsoft Office Poweruser including automating tedious tasks with neat macros.

Experienced in:

  • Technical Manuals and SOPs
  • Press Releases
  • Promotional Articles
  • Product Selection Guides
  • PowerPoint
  • Light sarcasm
  • Much more

Moderator of the LinkedIn Semiconductor Sales & Marketing group, grown to over 30,000 happy and well-fed members. Experienced online community manager with the right balance of moderation and humor.

Highly-motivated. Results-oriented. Infectious enthusiasm. Solid leader. Great jokes. Unusual punchlines.

Contact me for more information.


Created:7-Dec-2017, Updated:8-Dec-2017
· Views: 16188
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Technical Writing Services

Creative Technical Writing services offered. Easygoing, experienced professional looking for clients.

Looking for an experienced technical writer to capture your target audience? A writer that is comfortable meeting your schedule and can be trusted with your business objectives?

Writing is like golf; most people can do it, but few can do it proficiently and professionally.


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