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Welcome to our new, fully rebuilt website,

You've told us that you want ease of navigation - and now you've got it!

  • The  | Directory |  button on the upper-left will take you to the Categories section, allowing you to go as deep as you want into the index.
  • To your left, is a listing of the most Popular Categories that visitors have been viewing.
  • To the lower-left is a list of the most Popular Items visitors have been browsing from the Directory.
  • Since many of you always seem to anticipate new content, recently added items are listed in the lower-right hand corner of your screen.

Some of the content will also be cross-indexed in order to make it easier for you to find the content you need. And, to help you find related information, the cross-referenced categories are listed at the bottom of the item view to help you find more data on your topic.

You've told us that you want more technical content - and you now have that. We've already added several knowledgebases, and we'll be adding even more technical resources in the coming weeks.

You've also been especially vocal about how you want vendor-specific content: selection guides, datasheets, and more. Well, here's an example of what we'll be giving you. More than just a selection guide, we're allowing vendors to explain their product in detail, in their own words, and provide detailed information on their product's benefits. And we haven't placed this in a side corner of the website - it's all there, integrated into the main website content. Ease of Navigation, remember? Based upon your feedback we feel that this will not only be more effective than just a banner ad, but that this is content that is actively sought by engineers. In many cases content can be posted on the same day. Of course, content like this is often cross-indexed. Vendors can Contact us for more details.

You'be told us that you want, no you demand, the most recent industry news. And we're providing you that. You can already see some of the most recent embedded systems press releases published in our new system.

And, to the PR Agencies that have contacted us looking for ways to get your client's press releases published - we've made it easier than anybody else. We understand how difficult it can be to have your client's recent significant press release get the attention it deserves amongst your competitor's fluff. We know how much value you can provide to your client by demonstrating that you've gotten them a headline. Well, we're providing opportunities for PR agencies to directly enter and edit their own press releases!. Upon approval, your press release will go Live almost immediately. We're doing this so that you can demonstrate your value-added capabilities to your client. This is available to Qualified PR Agencies only (limited availability to manufacturers - Contact Us for details).

You've told us that you want increased visibility of newsletters. We all understand the problem of getting emailed newsletters past corporate and personal spam filters. It's not that you're dong anything wrong, it's just that since spam filters can block legitimate email, many of you are having trouble getting your product newsletters to your customers. As many as 40% of emailed newsletters are never read by the intended receipients. Plus, once it gets past the spam filter there's the challenge of getting the newsletter read. That's why we've added this new feature. Companies with newsletters will have the opportunity enter the newsletters directly into this site, and then see the newsletter go live just minutes later. Visitors can even download a PDF or MS Word version of your publication.

Of course, we've still got the jokes section. Come to think of it, it's so popular that maybe we should charge more for a banner on the joke section than our homepage...!

We've designed the site for ease of navigation. Content can be cross-indexed so that visitors can easily find needed content (Ease of Navigation).

As always, Your Privacy is assured. Believe me, since the success of our website depends upon your privacy, we actually value Your Privacy it more than you do.

So please be patient as we finish building our new site. We can't promise flawless performance from the get-go, but hey, if I write the code a little differently, maybe change the order of some of the statements, and break out that new debugger I've been anxious to try, I might be able to speed up the enhancements we've got planned for next year...

Thank you all for the support and the encouragement you've given us we we improve Your Embedded Systems website.

All the Best,

-Bill Giovino
 Executive Editor


Town:   Boston
Area:   Massachussetts

· Views: 18113
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