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ZigBee Wireless Networks for Industrial Systems - White Paper

ZigBee Wireless Networks for Industrial Systems - White Paper
This white paper explains how ZigBee is the best solution for reliable wireless networking.
Author: Andy Wheeler, CTO Ember Corporation

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Reliable ZigBee Wireless Networks for Industrial Systems - White Paper

Standards-based Mesh Network Topology Born in MIT’s Media Lab

Exhibits Superior Reliability Over Traditional Wireless Systems

By Andy Wheeler
Chief Technology Officer
Ember Corporation
Boston, Massachusetts,USA

Wireless systems for industry have mostly used cell phone-style radio links, using point-to-point or point-to-multipoint transmission. Research at MIT’s Media Lab conclusively proved that these traditional wireless formats have substantial liabilities in industrial applications: rigid structure, meticulous planning requirements, and dropped signals.

ZigBees (get it???)

In contrast, wireless mesh networks as specified in the new ZigBee networking standard are multi-hop systems in which devices assist each other in transmitting packets through the network, especially in adverse conditions. ZigBee nodes can be dropped in place ad hoc with minimal preparation and provide a reliable, flexible system that can be extended to thousands of devices.

ZigBee is a wireless network standard that solves the unique needs of remote monitoring and control, and sensor network applications. ZigBee takes full advantage of a powerful physical radio specified by IEEE 802.15.4, adding logical network, security and application software to the specification.

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The Potential of Wireless

"What if Radios and Microprocessors Were Free?"

But Has Wireless Really Been That Easy?

Control & Sensing Networks versus Data Networks

Essential Wireless Requirements of Industrial Environments

Wireless Formats

Real Industrial Applications of ZigBee Networks

Case Study: Water Treatment



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