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ARM7 Low Power Design - White Paper

ARM7 Low Power Design - White Paper
The ARM7 has emerged as one of the most popular microcontrollers available. With a wide selection of ARM7 vendors, engineers have plenty of available options for memory and peripherals. But more and more, the ARM7 is being tasked to perform low power applications which can be demanding upon the skills of an engineer. This paper from STMicroelectronics discusses ome of the most common design considerations when using the ARM7 in a low-power design.

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Low Power ARM7 Design

by Erlendur Kristjansson, STMicroelectronics


A key constraint in designing most electronic products today is power consumption. From major appliances to handheld MP3 players, end products today try to minimize power consumption. While all products aim for low power, handheld products and other battery-operated applications have the most stringent power budgets. In these applications, a significant contributor to overall current draw is the MCU - both because the MCU itself is consuming power and because it is directing other components that consume power.

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The Low Power Problem

Power of Flexible Architecture

Multiple clock sources

Clock Switching

Multiple buses

Multiple Regulators

Peripheral Control

How does this benefit your application?


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