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Embedded Database Alternatives for Intelligent Devices - White Paper

Embedded Database Alternatives for Intelligent Devices - White Paper
Think you need an embedded database? Well, think again! Encirq has an alternative for those unfamiliar with this technology, and this White Paper will explain it to you.

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Embedded Database Alternatives for Intelligent Devices

Comparing and Contrasting Two Distinct Technologies for Embedded Device Data Management

Software development for intelligent devices is in a state of transition. These devices are no longer disconnected gadgets. The combination of connectivity, increasing processing power, integrated sensor technology and the growing amounts of content and data that must be processed has transformed them into high performance, data-driven information computing platforms. Mobile phones, set-top boxes, and in-dash infotainment and navigation systems are just a few examples of intelligent devices that are expected to efficiently integrate complex, real-world information to create new functionality, new services and new user experiences. As a result, device software applications have largely become data-driven, spending most of their time acquiring, processing and acting upon diverse and dynamic real-time data sets.

Much like the enterprise computing environment, today's intelligent devices are fueled by their underlying data sources. In the enterprise environment, the use of data management technologies in the form of client-server relational databases is ubiquitous. However, the hardware resource constraints and the varying forms of dynamic, real-time stream data to be managed within intelligent devices demands a fundamentally different data management technology than that used in the enterprise computing environment.

There are many client-server database technologies available to embedded developers today. Many of these databases, by reputation, are sound implementations of classic client-server databases that have been ported and downsized to work with a 32-bit embedded system. Many of these databases support a relational data model with transaction support that includes rollback and crash recovery. Yet as client-server database management systems, these databases are not the optimal choice for device data management.

This white paper explains some important differences between client-server embedded database systems, or other embedded databases that employ a classic, client-server-style application library versus the approach taken by the architects of DeviceSQLTM. It also explores why application-specific data management systems that are generated as inline code present a better alternative for today's intelligent devices.

This White paper is brought to you by Microcontroller.com and is available in our easy-to-read collapsed outline format. Simply click on any heading to expand or collapse the section you wish to read.

Design Goal Comparison

Design and Feature Comparison

Operational Comparisons

OS and File System Requirements

Disk-Based vs. Memory-Resident

Data Model Comparison

Opaque vs. Import / Export

Support for Data Streams


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