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Hex Binary Decimal Octal Converter with Scientific Calculator

Powerful and flexible multipurpose Scientific calculator and Hex/Binary/Decimal/Octal Cconversions. Please read the short instructions.

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  • Prefix Hex with 0x, binary with 0b, Octal with 0.
  • For Decimal/Binary/Hex/Octal conversions: first, enter the number in the correct format; next, select the desired target conversion from the "Display:" drop-down menu; finally, press =.



Keyboard shortcuts
(Alt or Cmd):

  • Clear (Alt-C)
  • Equals
  • History (previous)
  • Display (cycle)
  • Decimal mixed display
  • Decimal Scientific display
  • Decimal Engineering display
  • Binary display
  • Octal display
  • Hex display
  • Last Answer

Enter an expression into the top bar and press enter to calculate the results.

To enter non-decimal numbers, preface the number with the correct prefix:
Hex: 0x (that's 'zero x')
Binary: 0b
Octal: 0 (that's a 'zero')
Decimal numbers do not start with 'zero'.

For Decimal/Binary/Hex/Octal conversions: first, enter the number in the correct format; next, select the desired target conversion from the "Display:" drop-down menu; finally, press =.

This calculator remembers up to twenty past calculations in history. To save the history between visits you must have cookies enabled.

All results are calculated using the Javascript eval() function. Syntax for expressions is the same as that for Javascript.

This calculator can handle input numbers in several different bases:

  • Decimal (Base 10): Numbers not starting with zero, like 15 or 3.14e15. Decimal numbers contain digits 0-9, decimals, and scientific notation.
  • Hexadecimal (Base 16): Numbers starting with 'zero-x' like 0x1A5. Hexadecimal numbers contain digits 0-9 and a-f (or A-F) with no decimal or scientific notation.
  • Octal (Base 8): Numbers starting with 'zero' like 073. Octal numbers can contain digits 0-7 but no decimal or scientific notation.
  • Binary (Base 2): Integers starting with 'zero b' like 0b101. Binary numbers contain digits 0 or 1, with no decimal or scientific notation.

^ is a bitwise xor operation. To raise a number to a power use pow() function.


Created:4-Dec-2002, Updated:15-Sep-2012
· Views: 514103
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