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IP Suppliers

They may not make chips, but they supply the cool IP that you can use to build your own custom chips.

microcontroller IP Suppliers (3 items total)
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ARC InternationalARC International  

IP Suppliers
32-bit RISC, DSP & custom tools
ARC develops user-customizable, high-performance 32-bit RISC & DSP IP. Includes integrated development tools, peripherals, RTOS and software. Very good reputation.
Embedded Systems Resource
MIPS TechnologyMIPS Technology  

IP Suppliers
32- and 64-Bit Synthesizable Cores
Popular IP supplier with over 50 licensees. 360 MIPS to over 1000 MIPS. Used in most digital cable set-top boxes.
Embedded Systems Resource
ARM - Advanced RISC machinesARM - Advanced RISC machines  

IP Suppliers
Licensed Microprocessor Cores
Licenses ARM Microprocessors, in many different varieties and levels of performance. Extensive development tools support.
Embedded Systems Resource

IP Suppliers  

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Technical Writing Services

Creative Technical Writing services offered. Easygoing, experienced professional looking for clients.

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Writing is like golf; most people can do it, but few can do it proficiently and professionally.


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