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Link to Microcontroller.com

Link to Microcontroller.com
Countless visitors have asked us for an easy way to link their Web sites to Microcontroller.com. Now they can ... and you can, too. Here's how - and why:

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Lend credibility to your website and showcase your association with Microcontroller.com, the #1 Independent Embedded Systems Website!

The Home Page of Microcontroller.com enjoys a Google Rank of 5 , placing it amongst the top 5% of all websites:
Microcontroller.com Google Rank of 5

When you link to Microcontroller.com you improve your own search engine ranking for the specified linktext you choose. This is explained below

Join the others who have put a link to Microcontroller.com on their Web sites. Simply follow these simple steps:

  1. Select the banner or text that’s just right for your site.
    We've made it easy for you - selecting with your mouse the code that you want copies it directly to your clipboard.
  2. Paste the HTML to your site (it's just CTRL-V to paste).
That's it!

Text Links!: *


Embedded Systems Resources

Link code - which includes the code that is inside the link, and the words in the link URL itself - is important to Google. Linking to this website, with the word "microcontroller" in our link URL, primarily improves your ranking for the keyword "microcontroller". Because Google permits stemming of keywords, it will also improve your ranking for associated keywords in the link text that are related to the link URL; in this case, "Embedded Systems" is related to "microcontroller", so your website ranking for that secondary keyword improves.

The first link improves your Search Engine Ranking for the keyword "Microcontroller". The second, improves your Search Engine Ranking for the keyphrase "Embedded Systems". Please note that your rannking improvement is at the descretion of Google and it can take one to five weeks before you see your search engine keyword ranking improvement.  




* By electing to place a link to Microcontroller.com.com on your Web site, you acknowledge and agree that you will not modify, change or alter in any way Microcontroller.com's trademarks and other intellectual property. You also acknowledge and agree that you have no right to use any of Microcontroller.com's intellectual property except as contained in the links provided above. The right to place a link to Microcontroller.com may be terminated or revoked at the sole and absolute discretion of Microcontroller.com if the link constitutes inappropriate use. "Inappropriate use" includes, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, any web site that promotes: hate speech, violence, terrorist activities, "pronography" (sic), religious or racial intolerance.


Created:3-Jun-2006, Updated:25-Feb-2013
· Views: 58392
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