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Embedded Internet & Embedded RTOS Support for Coldfire from CMX

Apr 4, 2006 - 4:13:00 PM

CMX is announcing Embedded RTOS and Embedded Internet support for the Freescale MCF5223x
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Jacksonville, FL - April 4, 2006 - CMX Systems, a popular supplier of real-time operating systems, embedded TCP/IP, Flash File Systems, USB as well as CANopen software, announced support for the new Freescale MCF5223x embedded processors.

CMX will support the MCF5223x with their popular embedded RTOS and embedded internet stacks, the CMX-RTX RTOS and the tiny CMX-MicroNet embedded TCP/IP stack.

CMX MicroNet Config Manager
CMX MicroNet Config Manager
Chuck Behrmann, president and CEO of CMX, said, "We are very pleased to offer embedded designers small and fast embedded software supporting this new and exciting processor series. We feel that this combination of Freescale processors and CMX software provides developers with an elegant and cost-efficient solution for their designs."

Jeff Bock, Product Marketing Manager for Freescale’s 16/32 bit Consumer & Industrial Operation said, "Embedded software such as the CMX-RTX RTOS and the CMX-MicroNet TCP/IP stack are an excellent demonstration of how well our MCF5223x technology works with leading-edge embedded software systems. The highly efficient MCF5223x derivatives with onboard FEC, used in conjunction with the extremely small and fast CMX-MicroNet, provides significant benefits to the final consumer using the Internet."

CMX-RTX is a truly preemptive, multi-tasking RTOS supporting a wide variety of 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit microcomputers, microprocessors, and DSPs. In the opinion of Microcontroller.com, this "lean and mean" RTOS provides very high performance in a very small memory space, offering the fastest context switching times, and the lowest interrupt latency times, available on the market today.

CMX-MicroNet is an embedded TCP/IP stack specially crafted to work with virtually all 8- and 16-bit processors and those 32-bit processors and DSPs with limited memory resources. With an extremely small program memory requirement from just 3.5K to 20K (depending on configuration and processor), this embedded networking firmware resides and runs directly on the processor with no gateway required.

Price and Availability
Pricing for CMX-RTX for the MCF5223x series of processors starts at $4,000 and is available immediately. Pricing for CMX-MicroNet for the MCF5223x series of processors starts at $5,500 and is available immediately. All CMX software is provided with full source code, no royalties on shipped products, and free technical support and software updates.

About CMX Systems, Inc.
Since its inception in 1990, CMX Systems has focused on providing quality tools for programing embedded systems. The company's core business is to develop and support real-time, multi-tasking operating systems (RTOS), TCP/IP stacks, Flash File Systems, and the CANopen protocol for a wide variety of 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcomputers, microprocessors, and digital signal processors. The company's CMX-RTX, CMX-RTXS, and CMX-Tiny+ real-time multi-tasking operating systems support more than 50 processor families and over 30 C-compiler vendors. CMX also develops and supports products that enhance the user's ability to create, test and debug application code, including CMXKAwareTM, CMXBugTM, and CMXTrackerTM.

Embedded Internet & Embedded RTOS Support for Coldfire from CMX

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Product data and specifications in this article are the responsibility of the manufacturer. No warrenty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy of manufacturer-supplied data. So there.
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