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New Microchip MPLAB X Embedded Code Development Environment

By Bill Giovino
May 1, 2011 - 5:23:16 AM

Microchip MPLAB X is Microchips latest and greatest code development IDE based on NetBeans. What`s a NetBean? Watch the video!
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Microchip MPLAB X Environment
Microchip MPLAB X Environment
Microchip has introduced their new code development environment. Called the Microchip MPLAB X, it is a new IDE that supports Windows (32-bit), Linux, and Mac. The Microchip MPLAB X IDE uses the NetBeans platform and requires Java to be installed on the client computer.

The Microchip MPLAB X is based on the Oracle's open-source Java-based NetBeans platform. NetBeans has an active user community that constantly provides enhancements and plug-ins to the platform. Microchip customers are encouraged to take advantage of a host of free NetBeans software components and plug-ins that exist today. Additionally, the NetBeans platform allows MPLAB X users to customize the IDE to suit their individual development needs.

Microchip evaluated several platforms for the new MPLAB. It was decided to go with open-source because of it's increasing acceptance in the embedded systems community as well as among academics that see open-source as "free as in freedom". NetBeans was chosen over Eclipse because it is more scalable than Eclipse

It's important to note that Microchip will continue to support MPLAB 8. While users are encouraged to upgrade, they will not be forced to upgrade.

Microchip MPLAB X Features
Features of the new Microchip MPLAB X include:

Microchip MPLAB X Video

  • Open-source with a wide variety of plug-ins available
  • Can accommodate different editors
  • Can easily import older MPLAB projects
  • Advanced editor provides code-completion and context menus
  • Configurable watch window
  • Can support multiple compilers at once
  • Team collaboration tools for source-code control
  • Can install from network
  • Supports all Microchip products from 8-bit to 32-bit
  • Color syntax highlighting
  • Live parsing: flags errors as you type
  • Smart code completion makes suggestions and provides hints as you type
  • Automatic code formatting, based on user-defined rules
  • Refactoring tools to intelligently restructure code
  • Fully customizable interface
    toolbars, toolbar buttons, windows, window placement...
  • Powerful navigation tools:
    Go to file, Go to type, Go to symbol, Go to header, Go to declaration
  • Call-graph window
  • Tasks navigator with user-defined bookmarks
    e.g. //TODO, //FIXME
  • Built-in support for Bugzilla issue tracker
    Integrated with editor for ease-of-navigation issues
  • Project-based workspaces:
    Multiple projects, tools, and configurations
    Simultaneous debugging sessions
  • Version-control systems
  • Built-in Diff (can use external, too)
  • MPLAB X IDE and MPLAB IDE v8 migration features:
    Import existing projects created in the older version of MPLAB IDE
    Run both the MPLAB IDE v8 and the MPLAB X IDE, concurrently!

MPLAB X Availability
The Microchip MPLAB X IDE is available today, via a free download from Microchip's website. Microchip is continuing to support the current MPLAB 8 environment to help ensure that there are no disruptions on active projects.

About Microchip Technology
"Microchip Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: MCHP) is a leading provider of microcontroller, analog and Flash-IP solutions, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality."

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New Microchip MPLAB X Embedded Code Development Environment

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Product data and specifications in this article are the responsibility of the manufacturer. No warrenty is expressed or implied as to the accuracy of manufacturer-supplied data. So there.
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