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New Embedded Ethernet on Microchip PIC18 Microcontrollers

By Bill Giovino
Sep 11, 2006 - 9:21:00 PM

PIC18F97J60 with Embedded Ethernet has 10Base-T MAC and PHY, transmit/receive RAM buffers, and up to 128K Flash.
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Sept. 11, 2006 Microchip Technology Inc has introduced a new family of 8-bit microcontrollers with Embedded Ethernet on-chip. Microcontrollers in the new Microchip PIC18F97J60 family have IEEE 802.3-compliant 10Base-T on-chip Medium Access Controller (MAC) and Physical Layer Device (PHY).

"The need to access embedded applications remotely using Ethernet can be fully realized through the selection of the PIC18F97J60 family," said Mitch Obolsky, vice president of Microchip’s Advanced Microcontroller Architecture Division.  "Combined with our free TCP/IP stack, the introduction of the high-performance PIC18F97J60 family enables microcontroller-based applications to be cost-effectively monitored or controlled from a remote location."

Ethernet is, by far, the leading wired standard for embedded networking technology for embedded control. Ethernet is used to network microcontrollers to each other, and when TCP/IP is used over Ethernet, microcontrolers can be networked to local computer systems, as well as the internet.

Targeted applications for the PIC18F97J60 microcontroller family with embedded Ethernet include:

New Embedded Ethernet on Microchip PIC18 Microcontrollers

  • Industrial Automation:
    - Industrial Control
    - Power-Supply Monitoring
    - Networked Server Monitoring
    - Environmental Monitoring
  • Building Automation
    - Fire & Safety
    - Access Control
    - Security Panels
    - Lighting Control
    - VoIP Intercom
  • Commercial Control
    - Kitchen Appliances
    - Drink Dispensers
    - Hotel Minibars
    - POS Terminals
  • Home Control
    - Security
    - Networked Appliances

All members of the PIC18F97J60 8-bit embedded Ethernet microcontroller family have a dedicated 8-Kbyte SRAM buffer between the Ethernet MAC and the internal data bus to efficiently handle high-speed applications.

Device Flash Program Memory (bytes) SRAM Data Memory (bytes) Ethernet TX/RX Buffer (bytes) I/O 10-Bit A/D (ch) CCP/
Timers 8/16-Bit PSP External Memory Bus
  SPI Master I2CTM
PIC18F66J60 64K 3908 8192 39 11 2/3 1 Y Y 1 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F66J65 96K 3908 8192 39 11 2/3 1 Y Y 1 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F66J60 128K 3908 8192 39 11 2/3 1 Y Y 1 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F86J60 64K 3908 8192 55 15 2/3 1 Y Y 2 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F86J65 96K 3908 8192 55 15 2/3 1 Y Y 2 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F87J60 128K 3908 8192 55 15 2/3 1 Y Y 2 2 2/3 N N
PIC18F96J60 64K 3908 8192 70 16 2/3 2 Y Y 2 2 2/3 Y Y
PIC18F96J65 96K 3908 8192 70 16 2/3 2 Y Y 2 2 2/3 Y Y
PIC18F97J60 128K 3908 8192 70 16 2/3 2 Y Y 2 2 2/3 Y Y

Development Tools 
Embedded Ethernet projects an be prototyped and tested using Microchip's PIC18F97J60 PICDEM.net™ 2 Demo Board.  A free TCP/IP stack for Microchip's PIC18 is also available. A complete suite of development tools is available, including Microchip's MPLAB® VDI visual device initializer, Application Maestro™ software, MPLAB ICD 2 in-circuit debugger and the MPLAB C18 C compiler.

Availability and Pricing
Members of the PIC18F97J60 embedded Ethernet microcontroller family are available now starting at $4.24 each in 10,000-unit quantities.
• PIC18F97J60/96J65/96J60:  100-pin TQFP
• PIC18F87J60/86J65/86J60:  80-pin TQFP
• PIC18F67J60/66J65/66J60:  64-pin TQFP

About Microchip Technology
Microchip Technology Inc. (NASDAQ:  MCHP) is a leading provider of microcontroller and analog semiconductors, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide.  Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.

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New Embedded Ethernet on Microchip PIC18 Microcontrollers

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