Rowebots Embedded Development Tools
- Â Founded in 1987, Rowebots offers very cost-effective development tools for both Windows and Linux development environments using a dual licensing approach. Free open source offerings complement full commercial offerings.
 Rowebots focuses on ultra tiny open standards based operating system software for most popular microcontrollers, DSC and DSP cores. Users can run Linux and POSIX RTOSs on Rowebot's full line of products, utilizing ultra tiny Linux and POSIX compatible solutions.
 The ultra tiny Unison and DSPnano RTOS offerings are Rowebot's flagship Linux and POSIX compatible products. Extensive software libraries include DSP algorithms, TCP/IP stacks, USB stacks, multimedia and FAT file systems, motor control, CAN, diagnostics, and more.
 Rowebots' software offerings integrate Eclipse-based IDEs and other popular tool environments. Online and telephone support along with training and customization is readily available.
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