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Top Ten Signs You Work for a HIgh Tech Company

  1. You lecture the neighborhood kids selling lemonade on ways to improve their process
  2. You get all excited when it's Saturday so you can wear sweats to work
  3. You refer to the tomatoes grown in your garden as "deliverables"
  4. You find you really need PowerPoint to explain what you do for a living
  5. You normally eat out of vending machines and at the most expensive restaurant in town within the same week
  6. You think that "progressing an action plan" and "calendarizing a project" are acceptable English phrases
  7. You know the people at airports and hotels better than your next door neighbors
  8. You ask your friends to "think out of the box" when making Friday night plans
  9. You think Einstein would have been more effective had he put his ideas into a matrix

    And, the number one sign you work for a semiconductor company:
  10. You think a "half-day" means leaving at 5 O'clock.

    (One more to add, Microcontroller.com reader submission):

    11. Your parents always ask, "What you do for a living again?"


· Views: 29917
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