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Automotive Stream-Based Data Management - White Paper

Automotive Stream-Based Data Management - White Paper
Automotive electronics systems such as in-vehicle infotainment and telematics systems must process, integrate and manage increasing volumes of data from multiple sources and in multiple formats, including dynamic stream data from sensors and other inputs. Engineers looking for simpler, more efficient ways to manage this data explosion can learn more about Encirq's next-generation solution to this growing problem

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Automotive Stream-Based Data Management

Encirq Corporation
577 Airport Boulevard, Suite 700
Burlingame, CA 94010-2024
T: 650.292.3535  •  F: 650.292.3536  •   www.encirq.com

Automotive electronics are being transformed by access to information outside the vehicle, the rapid migration of consumer electronics into the vehicle, plus a growing number of electronic in-vehicle sub-systems. The effect is bringing larger and larger volumes of digital data into the modern vehicle. Automotive manufacturers are actively looking for ways to leverage the value of this data to create new consumer experiences, new services and revenue streams, and to improve the safety and competitiveness of their products.

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Current Approaches

Introducing the Encirq DeviceSQLFramework

Support for Streams

The DeviceSQL Programming Model




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