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Privacy Statement
Engineers are extremely privacy-conscious. Let's face it - we hate getting spam and we distrust most registration forms. To that end, our privacy statement is short and sweet and not confusing:

We do not give out any of your personal information to anyone without your direct permission. For any reason. For any price. Period - End Of Story!

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Your Privacy Always Comes First - NOW and ALWAYS!

Privacy AngelLook, we understand the value that the individuals in this industry place on privacy. So, let me put it to you this way:

  2. If you subscribe to our mailing list, any 3rd party that supplies content to the list will supply the content only to me .

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This site uses cookies only as part of its web statistics software. This helps us identify how many repeat visitors this site gets as opposed to how many new visitors this site receives, so that the editors and advertisers can accurately judge its popularity.

Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve informative ads on this website. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve relevant ads to you based on visit to this site, and other sites on the Internet. You may opt out of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

Information Collected
This site collects information on the type and version of browser you are using as well as the operating system of your computer. This is only done so that design changes to this site will always be usable to the majority of the viewers to this site. This data is collected in bulk form only and not shared with anyone.

Now, let me give you an example of how I carefully use bulk data: the decision to exclude older, feature-depleted browsers was because bulk statistics showed these browsers accounted for a small minority of our viewers. Backward compatibility with these browsers would not only be more difficult & time consuming, it would detract from those features that more up-to-date browsers could take advantage of.

Your Privacy Comes First - Now and Always.

You have my word on it.

Bill Giovino
Executive Editor


Created:7-Oct-2004, Updated:28-Apr-2009
· Views: 17684
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